Sunday, June 21, 2015

French Exploration: Four Regions and The City of Lights

After numerous trips to California wine county, our merry band of five winos decided it was time to visit the Mother Ship, as it were - the ancestral beginnings of our favorite varietals, France.  Now understand, I usually have no trouble planning our trips to California - I know the areas we visit, and of course, speak the language. Not sure what possessed me to think I could do the same for this trip. I visited Paris once, over 10 years ago, with a group from my MBA class. But a 17-day trip in a country where the only common language I speak is wine? Insane!

After 3 months of research, countless emails, multiple hotel modifications, tears and fears over details and a little drama, we have an itinerary that gives us some flexibility along with several planned chateau visits. Between now and when we leave I will post a few items of interest and tips I discovered along the way while planning this trip, just in case there are other crazy people out there thinking of doing something similar.

I plan to blog during the trip as I am able, and share the experience. We are looking forward to our incredible journey, and hope you enjoy reading about it.

à votre santé!